Background Screening Request for PK Yonge

Prior to submission, all information–participant information, background screening selection–must be completed. Payment is required for checks conducted on PK Yonge vendors who are not UF employees, PK Yonge temporary employees, and PK Yonge volunteers. Payment authorization is provided for PK Yonge temporary employees, and PK Yonge vendors must provide payment in the form of cash or a check at the time of the appointment.

Upon completion, be sure to click on ‘submit’ at the bottom of the form.

PK Yonge Background Screening Request Form

"*" indicates required fields

Screening Information

Affiliation (Please Choose One)*

Date of Birth
Current Address

Background Screening Selection: (Please select the appropriate background check)

Please contact Recruitment and Staffing in Human Resource Services at (352) 392-2477 to schedule an appointment for conducting checks below.
Background Screening Selection

Department Contact Information

Dept. Contact

Payment Authorization (omit for checks on UF Employees)

This section must be completed for checks to be conducted on PK Yonge temporary employees. UF vendors who are not UF employees (i.e. BabyGator or UF Physical Plant) will need to provide payment in the form of cash or check at the time of the appointment..
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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