3 to 6 Months

As a Chair, it’s important that you help new faculty understand the culture and politics of the department. This includes connecting them with the right people and helping them align their expectations so they know how to contribute.

At the end of the semester, the Chair should have a reciprocal conversation with the new faculty to help provide support and ensure success. Below are some questions to consider:

1. From your perspective, what were the highs and lows of your first semester?

2. Provide specific feedback to the new faculty member including successes and areas for growth.

3. Review first semester teaching, evaluations, and any support you can provide.

4. Review key relationships with mentor, other faculty, or leaders across campus.

5. Discuss how you can help them prepare for next semester, Individual Development Plan (IDP), and goals for next semester.

6. Ask how you are acclimating to the department norms and culture? How would you describe the collegiality of the department?

7. What campus or departmental resources have been most useful?

For a full text version of the 3 to 6 Month Checklist and additional topics to cover during that end of semester conversation: Onboarding101_Faculty_5_ThreeToSixMonths