Records Retention

Each record must come to an end. No need to compile stacks of documents after they have reached their retention period, just remember to dispose of the documents per its category instructions.

What is as retention schedule?

Retention schedule describes the minimum amount of time a type of record should be retained by the institution. These retention schedules are constantly updated as we learn about new records created and received by the University.

Why do we need retention schedules?

It is a form of records management that supports university functions such as recordkeeping practices and meeting legal retention requirements. Other reasons to consider is that some records have long-term value and are expected to remain with the University indefinitely.

In other words, a retention schedule helps UF Departments decide which documents must remain, and what documents can be disposed, and when. Retention Schedule guidelines provides consistency and clarity among the University.

The University of Florida uses two different types of retention schedules:

What are some of the common retention schedules?

The General Records Schedule have been grouped by following topical subjects:

  • Police Records
  • Public School Records
  • Public Libraries
  • Grant Records & Research
  • University of Florida

Please note that below are retention schedules most commonly related to Employment Operations & Records.

Destruction/Transfer of Records

What is a transfer?

These are records that may be transferred to the custody of the University Archives if they have been labeled as “permanent” or having “archival value” by the records retention schedule. More information can be found at Transfer to University Archives.

What falls under destruction of records?

Corresponding forms and instructions on how dispose documents are available at Disposal of Records.


UF George A. Smathers Libraries
Phone: 352-273-2678

For more information please visit the Records Management website