First Day Welcome Checklist

This checklist for day one will help ensure your faculty member gets off to a great start.

  • Send a welcome email.
  • Make sure office is clean and ready for use.
  • Provide handbooks, by-laws, Collective Bargaining Agreement, and Quick Start Guide.
  • Ensure someone is available to greet new faculty and take them to lunch.
  • Provide faculty with the following:

  • Schedule department orientation and provide access to New Faculty Orientation.
  • Provide a tour of the building and location of their classroom.
  • Review department members names and their roles and responsibilities, including who can assist with supplies, benefits, and entering time.
  • Discuss mission, vision, and values of the department.

For a full version of the “First Day Welcome Checklist” document that can be customized click here: Onboarding101_Faculty_3_FirstDay