Employment of Relatives Petition

Employment of Relatives Petition Process

The University of Florida is committed to a policy of employment and advancement on qualifications and merit and does not discriminate in favor of or in opposition to the employment of relatives per UF Regulation 1.009. This regulation, specifically prohibits the appointment of relatives or persons living in the same household to any position where a direct or indirect supervisory relationship would exist between relatives or would create a perceived or actual conflict of interest. This includes, but is not limited to appointment, compensation, assignment of work, evaluation, grants administration and sponsored research projects, and financial authority or transactions.

To help the University assess the impact the employment of relatives may have on a department, division, or college please complete the following steps. Approval of the Employment of Relatives Petition Process must be obtained prior to the offer of employment.

Note: If an employee with an approved form on file, changes position within the same college/unit, a new form must be submitted prior to the change in positions.

1. Gather Required Documents for Approval

To expedite the approval process, the information below must be included in your nepotism packet submission. Failure to do so, will delay receiving a response to your petition.

  • Position description or job duties of the position currently being hired
  • Careers at UF requisition number and dates of the advertised position
  • Plan to mitigate the conflict, addressing all aspects of the conflict, name of supervisor(s), financial activity, grant oversight, etc.
  • Resume or CV of relative being hired and any additional information that makes the case for why the relative is uniquely qualified for the position
  • Resume or CV of all candidates interviewed
  • Organizational chart of both positions including reporting lines, with the individuals to be covered by the plan clearly indicated

2. Complete the Employment of Relatives Approval Form

  • Employment of Relatives Form
  • All required signatures must be included prior to submission of the form and supporting documents
  • Verify with your college or central departmental HR office if additional steps are required per departmental guidelines. If your college or central departmental HR has not reviewed the form per departmental policy, this may delay the approval process
  • This form must be completed and submitted through the portal link below

3. Submit Form and Supporting Documents

ALERT: Incomplete forms without supporting documents will not be reviewed.