Managing Remote Employees

Hiring and Working Abroad

Planning to expand your program internationally or hire an international employee for the University? Navigating this process requires careful consideration, as it differs significantly from domestic hiring.

UF Human Resources collaborates with other University offices to assist in mitigating risks and complexities associated with international talent acquisition.

Hiring and Compensating an Employee Abroad

When hiring an employee abroad or sending an employee to work in another country, consult UF Human Resources for guidance. Each country has unique employment and taxation laws, impacting how you should hire and compensate the employee. Failure to address this correctly may lead to personal taxation responsibilities in their country.

  • In-Country Partner: Low risk to the institution. The in-country partner hires and compensates the employee, with UF reimbursing them. Some countries may not support this method.
  • Professional Employer Organization (PEO): Low risk to the institution. A PEO charges an administrative fee and acts as a third-party entity to handle hiring abroad.
  • Independent Consultant/Contractor: Moderate to high risk. Suitable for non-employee work. The individual is responsible for legal and taxation obligations.

Remote Work Location

If an employee will work abroad for over 30 days, a Remote Work Location Agreement is required. This doesn’t apply to UF faculty on sabbatical or professional development leave.

Ensure the agreement is approved before work commences. Update the employee’s work location in the system and find the Remote Work Location Agreement for Employment Abroad form here.

For periods under 30 days, a separate agreement is unnecessary. Sponsored research activities abroad must be reviewed by UF Research.

If a UF employee with an employment visa (e.g., H1B) plans to work remotely abroad, contact Immigration Compliance Services in advance to ensure compliance with legal requirements.

Outside Activity Disclosure

All employees engaging in outside activities (e.g., consulting for other organizations) must disclose these activities by submitting the UF Disclosure of Outside Activities and Financial Interests form. Failure to disclose can lead to employment or legal consequences, especially for those involved in sponsored research.

International Travel

When traveling internationally on university business, UF employees must comply with applicable regulations, policies, and directives. Approvals or authorizations may be necessary before traveling abroad. Visit International Travel for more information and support.
